This is a picture from our hotel in the morning, right after the sun came up! I am still trying to get back on Kansas time, there was a six hour difference! Ugh!
We also got to go on a submarine!!! This is a picture of a sunken boat that we saw! The submarine was definitely one of our favorite things we did on the trip.
Ok....on to my classroom pictures....NOT! All of you are working so hard in your classrooms and I am stuck at home! They ripped up our carpet and replaced it with tile. Lets just say it still isn't all done, therefore the 2nd and 3rd grade teachers can't get into their rooms until the day before we go back, which by the way is next week! I am totally disappointed about it, because I usually have my room all set up and ready to go before we have to go back. I guess I will be working some long days and weekends to get it all done. Since I don't have pictures of my room I thought I would show you pictures of all my stuff in my lovely basement, where I have been working all summer!
There is also stuff in that closet!! Ugh! I don't want to have to bring all my stuff back up to school, it is such a hassle! Well I am off to check out what all my bloggy friends have been doing. I feel like I am out of the loop! I leave you with a picture from my bff of my lil helper!! She is very talented!

[ - *Glitter Words*]
I'm feeling your pain. I have piles in my bedroom and in the basement. Lugging it back will not be easy, but I'm glad I'm getting stuff done.
For our 1 year anniversary we went to Maui. It is such a beautiful place. I can hardly wait to return there one day.
Where Seconds Count
Maui looks wonderful!!!
I can't imagine the stress you must be feeling!!!
Your picture of Hawaii is so beautiful, glad you had fun. Holidays are the best !!! You have been a busy girl, everything looks great. Too bad about school but at least you have more time to relax ! I tell myself it always gets done in the end (when they decide to wax my room last :)
Keep those wonderful moments from Hawaii close to your heart when you're starting to feel stressed out. It will all get done, that you now for sure...
Crisscross Applesauce in First Grade
My husband and I just got back from Maui too - it was amazing! And they ripped up my carpet last year to put tile down. I couldn't get in to my room until a week before - it was crazy!
Sara :)
Smiling In Second Grade
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