Saturday, August 4, 2012


I think Farley's Currently linky party is the biggest each month...I think ALL of bloggy world participates! So of course I can't miss out either!! ;)

I hope everyone has a great weekend!! I go back to school on Wednesday and I still can't get into my room! You know what that means....long days and nights to get it completed to my stratification! 


1 Sally said...

You can't get in your room until Tuesday, you must be going nuts! Good luck to you!

Sally from Elementary Matters

2 Lisa R. said...

I just got back from tax free shopping here in FL too!! I love Mr. Sketch markers too for my anchor charts! :)
Learning Is Something to Treasure

3 Ashley said...

Hi! I had success last year finding my rug at Lowes. It wasn't too expensive and they had a number of different colorful options to choose from. It's not where I went first, but ended up being the best for the money!

Inspire, Dream, & Create! 

4 Miss Nelson said...

I definitely need my hair done for orientation.

5 Kate Daniel said...

You're so funny! I also wrote that I can't wait to get into my room. It's painful!

I found your blog through Oh Boy 4th Grade's linky and I'm a new follower. :)

Second Grade Sparkle

6 S said...

You can never have too many organisers and containers - EVER! :) I linked up with Farley too!

Coffee, Kids and Compulsive Lists

7 Elisabeth said...

So with you on getting my hair done! I hope to squeeze it in before school starts back!

PS~Glad my blog friend is back from the dead, AKA vacation!

Twins, Teaching and Tacos

8 Eileen Griffin said...

Check out Target for cute rugs. I have my eye on a couple.
Second Grade Sunshine

9 Holly said...

Hey You,
Can you email me?!?

Crisscross Applesauce in First Grade

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