Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Day 2: Classroom Digs

Well as you know from yesterdays post, I am not in a classroom this year. I am still working on my office...it is a little crazy right now. (we are still living with parents, we move on Aug. 28!!!!) I wanted to share with you what my classroom looked like last year because I LOVED it!

It started like this...

Click on the picture to see how it turned out!! 

Since I don't have my own classroom this year I wanted to share with you what I would have done if I had a classroom. 

Theme: Dr. Seuss!!

I have had the same theme (bugs/bright colors) for the 3 years I have been teaching. I would have been time to switch it up! Here are some of my favorite Pinterest projects I would have/will do someday for my next future classroom: (p.s. I have a secret board of all my next classroom ideas on Pinterest...shhhh)

Make sure to link up at Blog Hoppin' to check out some other GREAT classroom digs! 


1 Mrs. López said...

SOoOoO cute and creative!

2 Unknown said...

I love your ideas! Pinterest is the best!

1, 2, Eyes On You!

3 Punkcowgirl said...

Where did you get the dr Seuss photo canvas?

Anonymous said...

It was almost considered to be of great instance and we have seen in some of the previous ideas these are almost putting every good feature that is required to be there. statement of purpose help

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