Friday, September 20, 2013

Calendar Freebie and New Look Coming Soon!

Happy Friday my bloggy friends! 

I am super happy it is Friday because it has been a long week. I am excited because on Monday my teammate aka bff get to go to CHAMPS with Randy Sprick! If you haven't heard him speak OMG I love to listen to him. He is one of my favorites!

Another reason I am excited is because my blog will be getting a make over soon....Kassie from Designs by Kassie is giving it a much needed lift! I think you are going to like it or maybe even love it! 

Early in the week I talked about how much I loved the calendar freebie Hagar had on her blog...well I made something to go along with it! 

Click here to get your freebie! It wouldn't let me link the picture to the was acting up!  

Click here to check out Hagar's freebie as well!

I hope everyone enjoys this wonderful Friday. Here in Kansas the weather is just GREAT! Check back to see my bloggy face lift! 


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