Monday, March 17, 2014

Daily 5 Book Study Posting Guide

Happy Monday! It is happy because I am on spring break! Kim from Finding JOY in 6th Grade and I decided to team up on the Daily 5 Book Study Second Edition. I am super excited to have someone to give advice about the upper elementary grades because you all know older kids scare me! Kim and I will be posting about each chapter together from different points of view. Check out her blog here: 

joyin6th Homepage

Here is the schedule for when we will be posting. Please feel free to read along with us and post too! Make sure to link your blog post for each chapter so other bloggy friends can read your great ideas. 

If you would like to post about chapter 1 I have added a link-up button on my previous post. Check back tomorrow to see what Kim and I have to say about chapter 2! 

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