Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Super Activity for Place Value

So I came across this GREAT place value activity on Babblin Abby's blog! As soon as I saw it I knew I had to do it with my class.

Here's What You Need:
Place Value Chart
Box of Fruit Loops
Big Marshmallows
Recording Sheet (you will have to write "HTO" on the "marshmallows")

Click Here for Recording Sheet and Place Value Charts

First poke a toothpick in each marshmallow (each child needs 3). Then put fruit loops in a cupcake tray. (each child needs 1 tray) I placed everything each table would need on a tray from the lunch room. Each student will also need a place value chart and a recording sheet. I would shout out what number I wanted in each place value and the kids would loop the fruit loops on the toothpick on the marshmallow in the right place value. Then I would have the students record their numbers. My students LOOVED this activity and were engaged the whole time! Here are some pictures:


  1. We're not there yet in math but I can't WAIT to do this! So fun! Thank you for sharing!
    A Teeny Tiny Teacher

  2. You have the cutest blog!! I am a new follower of yours and I just love this place value idea!! I can't wait to use it with my First graders! I hope you'll stop by and visit my blog sometime. =)

    Teaching First

  3. Awesome activity! I am SO doing this...as soon as I am done assessing and conferencing...if I survive!

    2B Honey Bunch

  4. Thank you for sharing! I'm hoping this will make a big FUN difference in my daughters understanding of place values! =D
