Saturday, December 29, 2012

Professional Growth Linky Party!

I am linky up with some of the most fabulous bloggers in the land! They are some of the best of the best and I know I totally look up to them all!

I was totally planning on linking up with Hope last night but I was just too tired! So today I am linking up with Amanda at One Extra Degree! Today the topic is professional growth!! Oooo such a big topic! 

First I want to start off with, I am a current graduate with my masters in Curriculum Leadership from:

I really enjoyed my last two classes because I was able to make and apply things I had been learning into my classroom! (Finished in December!)

I think my ultimate goal is to be an instructional coach or do something with curriculum development! I really enjoy creating curriculum and working with other teachers to do the same. This year I have completely create our reading curriculum from scratch...aligned with the common core! I put everything I use for the week, including common assessments in a binder so I have it all for next year ! (I will write a post about this later)

This is what it looks like for January! I know it is blurry...I couldn't figure out a good way to save as a picture! 

I looove creating curriculum, but I don't think I am quite ready to leave the classroom and do it full time! I have only been teaching for 3 years and it has been amazing....with of course its ups and downs. I plan on continuing to learn and grow as a teacher and then one day take the next step into curriculum. 

A topic in the classroom I plan on pursuing more is reading! I love reading and guided reading and everything about reading! This is something I plan on reading and experimenting with more in my classroom. This year I am currently using:

Fountas and Pinnell's intervention kit in my classroom! I am totally impressed with the program and what it has provided for my struggling readers!! I plan on continuing to learn more about guided reading and how I can improve my own instruction! 

Lastly I also plan on.... drum roll please.....


seeing Rachelle in two weeks at a conference in Wichita ! I am totally excited to learn from her and see how I can implement her ideas into my classroom! 

If you live in Kansas click here to learn more about the conference!! 

Have a super Saturday! 



  1. Darn, I'm so jealous that you'll be seeing Rachelle...enjoy! I'm going to my first professional conference in a long time {it has been YEARS} in February. Can't wait!!! I always come back from them feeling inspired...I know Rachelle will inspire you for sure!!!!!

    Crisscross Applesauce in First Grade

  2. WOW! So cool you are going to that conference! Are you going with other teachers from your school? :)


  3. Hi Kelley! I found your blog through the linky party. I am a 2nd grade teacher from Ohio. I secretly love curriculum development too {ha! sounds so dorky to say that!} I look forward to your post about your curriculum binder! I am now following you :)

    EduKate and Inspire

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Hey Kelley! We use the Fountas and Pinnell intervention kits at my school and I am super excited about the way it supports my struggling readers! I'm excited to hear more about your curriculum organization! I'm your newest follower. Good luck with all your goals.

    Carolina Teacher
