Tuesday, December 4, 2012

We have been up to...

Wow! I can't believe it is already December! We have been very busy in my class. Last week we finished up our unit about life cycles, studying the life cycle of a flower or plant. We made a really cute project...too bad it isn't spring time already. I did hang them out in the hall, to brighten up the place!

We read the following books all week and talked about the main idea. We wrote the main idea of each book on a sentence strip and then compared/contrasted them all. (Common Core all the WAY!)

In writing we are working on our small moment unit, which is my favorite. We have been reading some mentor text to help us understand what I small moment is. 

In math we took our unit assessment and reviewed odd/even numbers. I had to of course make an Even Steven and Odd Tod like Cara did! Hers were just sooo cute! 

Today we started our new unit about shapes. We started off learning about points and line segments. We used dry pasta to help us make line segments and connect them to make shapes. This was a great hit with the students! 

Lastly I leave you with a picture of lil helper...he can't wait for Santa to come! 

Glitter Words
[Glitterfy.com - *Glitter Words*]


  1. Hey You!

    Your puppers is just too cute - looks like you're having some fun in your classroom...learnin lots, as always!

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