Saturday, January 26, 2013

A Week of 100!

This week we have been working on our Mapping Unit. We read the story Me on a Map and I was shocked that many of my students hadn't heard the story before. They loved to think about their own special place on the map. We made this cute anchor chart to remember our special places!

We then completed our hanging projects where the students could see how our special place gets bigger, bigger, and bigger! The order we used was:


We also had out 100th Day of school yesterday!! We spent the afternoon doing fun activities! The kids thought they weren't learning at all but they actually were!! 

We practiced estimating to 100! I placed different amounts of tiles in bags. The students first estimated then I had different groups actually count the bags. They then had to figure out the difference between their estimation and the actual amount. This worked great with what we were doing in math! 

They also had to put back together hundred charts! They liked this! I think I will keep this out for a center because the kids loooved it so much! 

We also wrote 100 reasons we love books! The kids were really excited to do this! They then wrote on a heart what their favorite book is and I took a picture of them with their book. I plan on making a bboard for the month of February with them! 

We also used Darlin' in First's 100th Day Bottle Activity! I didn't send them home with my students because I knew they wouldn't come back. Instead I made 3 different bags and split the class up to make guesses! 

Lastly the students used fruit loops to create a 100 day necklace! 

It was hard not to have them eat the fruit loops!!! They acted like they were starving! 

I leave you with my battle wound from getting our house all ready to do on the market this week!!!



  1. Ouch to your toe, but Thumbs Up to your 100th day activities! Sounds like you would have 100 reasons why you like the 100th Day of School!

  2. We just did a Me on the Map activity too! The kids really liked it. Good luck with your house!

    Sara :)
    Smiling In Second Grade

  3. That is a horrendous battle wound! Ouch!
    LOVE the 100 reasons we love reading heart... totally pinning it. :D
    ❤Dragonflies in First ❤

  4. Looks like lots of fun learning goes on in your class. I'm your newest follower, and I'm looking forward to more of your good ideas.

    With your prek experience you should be able to help me. Please go to my blog and leave a comment on Friday's post about fingerplays. You probably have several you used regularly. Hope you'll share.


  5. Some great things to pin here girlie!
    And don't kids always act as if their starving whenever you incorporate food into an activity?? LOL

    P.S. I've been away for a while from browsing some of my favorite blogs, but I LOVE your new blog design. It's so clean and navigator friendly! Congrats on so many followers too!
