Sunday, September 15, 2013

If I was teaching...

I am totally jealous of everyone in "normal" teaching jobs right now because they are some GREAT ideas floating around. If I was teaching here are some items that I would be LOVING right now: 

If you don't follow Michelle on Instagram then you should! She is always posting really cute stuff! I wanted to show you some pictures, but it wouldn't let me save them. I do save them on my phone though! I really liked her picture about her class rules. She makes an anchor chart with each rule and has the kids use sticky notes to show what that rule means to them! LOVE IT! 

Glady's at Teaching in High Heels also posted a great picture of a poem she used for fluency. I of course asked her how she used it in her classroom. Here was her response: 
"This week I wrote the poem on chart paper, then I wrote it again on sentence strips, cut the words apart and placed them inside a ziplock baggie. The kiddos will read the poem twice....once as a cold read...and the 2nd time their partner will time them as they read. Then they will build the poem using the words in the baggie...the last thing they will do is write the poem in their poetry journals and illustrate the poem!" 
I am always looking for new fluency ideas! 
Someone else who has GREAT fluency packets is my good friend Leanne at Mrs Prince and Co. She started creating fluency packets last year at the end of the year and I hope she continues making them! Here is what one looks like! 

Click on the picture to check it out!! 

Another item that I love is from my friend at Miss Kindergarten...and it is free on her TpT! She uses this for her calendar work! This is perfect for K and 1 little babies! 

Click on the picture to get the freebie! 

Do you love interactive notebooks as much as I do...well I am loving Nichole Shelby's from Teaching with Blonde Ambition! She has them for practically every grade! Click on the picture to check them out on her blog: 

Have you ever checked our Cara's lesson plans from The First Grade Parade...AMAZING! I was looking at her lesson plans last week and came across some great resources she uses! One is from the famous Deanne Jump who is a legend in blog land. The item Cara uses is called the Chit Chat Morning Message. Click on Cara's button to see how she uses it! 

I am totally wishing I was in a classroom so I could use these GREAT resources!! I hope all my bloggy friends can use them! Check back later this week for a BIG change and maybe a little freebie! 
Happy Sunday!

1 comment:

  1. You are too sweet!! Enjoy your job right now, you'll be back with the snotty kids before you know it ;) P.S. I totally bought 2 new craft cubes to add to my craft corner...apparently I'm accumulating more crap!
