Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Awful Two Days...

I am so sorry but I still have not posted my second Seusstabular freebie and how I organize my math centers. I have probably had two of the worst days in my teacher career. It is such a struggle sometimes to keep a smile on my face, but I know I have to for my kids. I just wanted to go crawl up in a corner and cry. On top of everything at school I had an issue with one of my online professors and I thought we got it taken care of this weekend, but I just got another email so I guess not. It just makes me so frustrated when we are all "suppose" to be professionals but some people don't act like it. Oh and did I say the hubby is out of town still so its just me and lil helper.

I promise to have my math center organization and freebie up by this weekend. I hope you all are having a better week then I am.

Positive Note: I ordered a rubber stamp from the lady that made Miss Farley's mustache one! Here is what it is going to look like:


1 Leanne said...

Ugh!!! That silly professor needs a good kick in the pants! Sorry you have had a rough couple of days. Hope tomorrow is much better for you. Hang in there!


2 Holly said...

Big gigantic hugs to you, chicky. Can you take a mental health day and spend some time on yourself? Just chillin' out and relax some??!?!

Crisscross Applesauce in First Grade

3 Sarah Paul said...

Doesn't it always feel like when it rains it pours?! I'm so sorry you had such a rough week so far. I hope it gets better starting tomorrow! :)

Sarah's First Grade Snippets

4 Unknown said...

I'm sorry to hear about your crummy days. I wish it goes away soon.

We have a lot of that going on often at my school. Between the constant walk-throughs, meetings, e-mails, testing, and paperwork we have ZERO time to plan and teach! It is so frustrating. And, on top of all of that, I have two students who are MAJOR behavior problems and pretty much ruin almost all of my lessons. It takes all of me not to give them all naps! I just count to ten and look at my sweet angels that deserve the best of me. It isn't easy!

On another note, I just L-O-V-E your stamp! It turned out really cute. Thanks for sharing.


5 SunnyDays said...

Oh yuck. I've been there. I had the some of the worst days of my career this year too. Totally blindsided me and I couldn't shake the funk for quite a while. The good news? I came through it stronger and more focused and more sure of what I'm really supposed to do. This too shall pass!

Sunny Days In Second Grade

6 Jill said...

Aw, Kelley, I hope things get better soon!!!

Your stamp is so so cute! I love it!!! :)

Marvelous Multiagers!

7 Kristen said...

I'm sorry Kelley! I hope things get better real soon and that your hubby will be home with you and your little helper shortly!! I am sending positive bloggy vibes your way.

That stamp is ADORABLE!!!!

8 Cupcake said...

Ugh, sorry you had a bad couple of days! Keep lookin' up!

A Cupcake for the Teacher

9 Unknown said...

Hope things brighten for you soon! =)

First Grade Blue SKies

10 Tammy said...

I'm so sorry you are having a bad week. On the bright side it's almost the weekend and your birthday! Let all that ugly stuff go and do something fun!!

11 Journey of a Substitute Teacher (Ms. T) said...

Sorry about the bad week. At least you have that ADORABLE stamp to look forward too ;0)

Journey of a Substitute Teacher

12 Elisabeth said...

I'm sorry that your having a bad week! Good thing is, it's almost over. The stamp is adorable and fits you perfectly :) Keep smiling your cute smile and think about a tropical destination.

Twins, Teaching and Tacos.

13 Jen R said...

oh girl!!! I am so sorry...{{{{{{HUUUUUUGGGGG}}}}}}
Wanna go for a walk together so you can vent?!?!
BUT your stamp is SOOOOOO stinkin' CUTE!!!! I need one...hmmm...going now! lol

The Teachers’ Cauldron

14 Unknown said...

Sorry you're having a rought week! I totally feel you in the husband thing, mine's out of town too.

It will get better though! Positive thoughts!!!

Ms. Rachel’s Room

15 Kristin said...

THAT STINKS!!!! :( I'm sorry it's not going well and I hope your week gets better!
My hubby is out of town, too, and it's just Syd and me. Too bad we don't live closer - we could get together for some dessert!
A Teeny Tiny Teacher

16 Jennifer K. said...

Sorry to hear that! I took a day off last week just because I was so drained. Sometimes its really hard to deal with things that we can't change plus still be expected to teach. Big hugs and hopefully your hubby is home soon to help out!

Jennifer @ Herding Kats In Kindergarten

17 Andrea Brown - Cheers To School said...

Aw Kelley! I hope you will have a much better day tomorrow and the rest of the week!! BTW, I adore your new stamp!

Cheers to School

18 Jen R said...

aw - I would have you and Kristin over for dinner, since you're both SANS hubbies right now!!
And I totally just bought a stamp-lol! Just an address one, but I'll have to order some for school next year :)
The Teachers’ Cauldron

19 Jill said...

I hope things get better soon, it's not fun to have hard days. I love the stamp.

20 Lisa Lizak and Beth Wright said...

I'm so sorry you are having a tough week :( I sending you a big virtual HUG :) I love the stamp, it's super cute :)

Lisa :)
Made In The Shade In Second Grade

21 Kim said...

Oh Kelley,
I hate that you are feeling crummy. I am sending "feel better" wishes your way. The weeknd is just around the corner...

Finding JOY in 6th Grade

22 Emily said...

I am having a terrible, horrible, no good very bad week, too. I am ready for this week to be over. Dealing with "unprofessionals" is one of my least favorite things to do. =/

Emily @ Second Grade Silliness 

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