I wanted to share with you what some of my intervention students have been up to....We have a full time interventionist per grade level! I know we are spoiled but we need them! Since we are finishing up district wide testing this week the interventionists haven't been pulling students the past couple of weeks. Those students aren't using the LLI program I am using therefore I can't just fit them into my current reading groups. Instead I found/created some activities for them to do and placed them in a black container. We do Daily 5 or what I call it D5 so when the students are suppose to come to small group instead they go over to the black box and get some activities to do. Usually during small group these kids see the interventionists....I will post our rotations later this week for those of you who have NO clue what in the world this crazy lady is talking about! ;)
This I found on Pinterest....the students can make words using the sticky notes! I put a sight word list for them to choose from. They aren't quite ready to make up their own words yet!
This is another Pinterest find! The student "Find" the sight word then spell it with tiles then write it using a marker. I laminated this so we can use them again and again!
Here the students role a dice and practice reading the sight words next to that number. My interventionist gave me this!
Here is the black box everything is in...the students know where it goes when they are done! It is GREAT!
I am off to catch up on my shows on the T.V....we will see how long that lasts because the hubby seems to always know when I am in my p.j.'s ready to relax so he comes up to bug me!!! Oh but I do love him!
I really like the Speedy Reading idea! I may have to recreate for my third grade students. Thanks for the idea!
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