Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Giveaway Reminder and Freebie

So I went back to school today, but I didn't have kids! I got so much done and I am actually really tired. I guess it is homework for my masters classes then to bed for me tonight!

I wanted to remind you that my giveaway is still going on until Thursday. I will be giving a custom wreath to one lucky winner.

Click here to entry the giveaway. If you have not blogged about my giveaway remember if you do you can leave two more comments, plus the one you already left about being a follower! :)

Also we will be starting our Objects in Space Unit and I had to make a planet book for the kids to keep track of what they are learning.

Click Here to download.

Well I am off to do homework. I am a student all over again and totally have sympathy for my own students. (is that why I don't give much homework??)


Unknown said...

Love the planet book!
First Grade Blue SKies

Sandra said...

LOVE LOVE LOVE your Planet Book. I teach planets next month so it is perfect!! :) Thanks for the freebie!

Check out my new blog!

Sweet Times in First

Jess said...

Thanks for the planet book! I already did planets this year but I will save this for next year! You'll get through your homework! I was right there with you last year but it pays off!
Rambling About Reading

Kristin said...

Thank you for sharing!! :)
A Teeny Tiny Teacher

Elisabeth said...

Thanks for the planet book! I'm not sure why my email didn't work, but here it is again- eangelakos@gmail.com. Hopefully that works! Good luck on your first day back! : )

Lisa at Fourth and Ten said...

Love, love, love the planets book! It will come in handy when I get to planets in a few weeks! :)
Stories From Second

Miss Squirrels said...

I really like your planet book. Our standard only calls for difference in day and night sky- but I like to do the WHOLE space thing...they love it!

Do you print all of theirs in color?

Going Nutty!


Jen R said...

thanks for the "share" - and I'm crossing my fingers for the win on Thursday! :)
The Teachers’ Cauldron

Kelley Cirrito said...

Miss Squirrels,

I don't usually print the kids stuff in color. I have a pretty big class and so it would get pretty expensive. I just think the color looks nicer on our computer screen! :)

Elisabeth said...

I nominated you for the Versatile Blogger Award!

Head over to my site to check it out!
Twins, Teaching and Tacos.

Leanne said...

Love the planet book...thank you! And I'm glad I'm not too late to enter your giveaway!

Jill said...

We did planets in September but I will hang on to your book for next year! I just made a Solids/Liquids/Gases book but yours is so much more beautiful! :)

And my class to get my ESL endorsement started today... I am tired just thinking about it!!

Marvelous Multiagers!

Tanya V. said...

Hello there,

I nominated you for The Versatile Blogger Award. Please stop by my blog to pick up your award.


A Class Act

Becky said...

THANK YOU so much for the freebie! It's soo cute and perfect for my Space Unit! :)

Anonymous said...

This is great! firstgradesmartcookies.blogspot.com

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the freebie! I'm home schooling my 6yr old son, and I know he'll love using it as we start learning about Space :)


Anonymous said...

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