Sunday, July 8, 2012

Freebies Galore

I finished the rest of my CAFE posters and of course I will share with you. I had a comment asking if I had some tips for using the Daily 5 and CAFE, well I haven't used it before in my classroom. This is my first year as well so we will all be learning together. I can't wait to read everyone's ideas and comments about how it is going in their classroom!

Click here to get the big picture ideas from my previous post.

Click here for the C Comprehension strategies.

Click here for the A accuracy strategies!

Click here for the F fluency strategies!

Click here for the E Expanded Vocabulary!

I also found some great word work ideas from Tara at 

This one is a shake and write activity. The container is from the Dollar Tree, which of course I went and picked up yesterday. I will post my version when I get them completed. 

This is practicing sight words with magnet letters. Again the tray is from Dollar Tree I also found some really cute containers their to put the magnet letters in. So since Tara teaches 4th grade I had to make a few changes to her sight word cards. I ended up typing all 11 lists up for my kids to use. I figured I would start with the lower ones out at the beginning of the year and move our way up! 

Of course they are bug themed, like my room. If you would like me to change the theme to something else just shoot me a comment and I will see what other clip art I have! 

Click here to get all 11 lists!

Well I am off to spend another day with my mom. The hubby is working an event again today so it is girls time! We will be working on my reading bags for the Daily 5. I also got my chair completed so I can't wait to link up tomorrow for Made it Monday with Tara!!

Happy Sunday!


1 Sandy said...

Thanks you so much for the sight word lists! I will definitely use these!!! Can't wait to see your chair!!! :)

2 Lisa R. said...

This is a great idea!! I love it! Thanks for sharing! :)
Learning Is Something to Treasure

3 Mrs. Bartel's School Family (Alyce) said...

Great freebies! Thank you for posting them.


Mrs. Bartel’s School Family

4 Holly said...

You will LOVE Daily 5/Cafe...LOVE!!!!!!

Crisscross Applesauce in First Grade

5 Keri Kelly said...

thanks so much...these are great and very much appreciated!

ps i love your blog


6 Erika said...

These are awesome! Thank you for sharing. I haven't talked to you in forever. Hope summer is treating you well!
2B Honey Bunch
Honey Bunch Blog Design

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the freebie! Your word lists are great! I will definitely put them in my Word Work center. I'm going to do a polka dot theme this year. Is it possible to get them to match my theme? I hate to ask you to make new ones, so if you can make polka dot lists put them on TPT, and I'll buy them. Thanks!

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