CAFE Strategies completed! Check out my previous post to get your own copy. Just need to laminate them now!
My chair is finally complete!! It took me a looong time, because of all the coats the lime green took to cover up the yucky brown color underneath!
I made banners for my bulletin boards. Look at the oldie tv in our basement, I don't even think the thing works!!
Sorry it is the wrong direction, but these are my book bags for the Daily 5!! I just bought the bags in a pack of 3 at Hobby Lobby and used iron-on letters. Make sure to wash the bags BEFORE you iron the letters on. My kids have hooks on the back of their chairs that these will hang on!
Here are some word work items I have been working on: shaker, magnet letters with sight words (need the magnet letters!!), scoop and write, and type out on the ipad (needs laminated). Check out my previous post to get a copy of my sight word cards for the magnets. Lisa asked for them in polka dot theme, so I will be working on those this weekend!
Finished math centers for August and September!! For my September ones I used stuff I had bought and found for free. Check under my MATH Centers tab to get the lemonade ones for free!
Found this idea from Pinterest. They use different types of erasers to create a graphing center each month!! This is the EASIEST center I have ever made!
Another Pinterest idea! Make labels with numbers on them in each ice container. The students use a ball, dice, or whatever to toss in a circle to make problems. This can be used with simple problems, 2 or 3 digit problems!! Great for all year! The ice trays are currently in the dollar section at Target. I got two, one for one digit and one for two digit numbers!
Word Wall letters, need laminated. From Kristen at Ladybug Teacher Files!
Also from Kristen!
Numbers for my clock...not sure who I got these from??
The next pictures are of my files!! I organized all my reading files...threw old stuff away. I also organized my social studies and science files in these stackable drawers from Target. I put two themes in each drawer. I don't have the labels on the front yet!
I got all my books organized, since I had to bring them all home. We are working on creating a new reading curriculum based on the common core, therefore I have been using my books to help us out!
Last but not least I found this great idea on Pinterest for Homework Bingo! I loved the idea and create my own Bingo poster, using my bug theme, mixed with all the bright colors I have been using. I will also be making lottery scratch off cards for the kids for prizes! I have them printed, but not painted!
And my hubby says I don't get anything done......whatever!!! Happy also Friday! I am meeting with one of the assistant superintendents tomorrow...wish me luck!
WOW! Thats awesome!
Teachable Moments
You have been busy!!!!! Nice job!!! :-) Good luck with the assistant superintendent tomorrow! That's exciting! :-)
I wish I was as accomplished as you!!
Elementary Adventure
Good grief! You have been busy. Thank you so much for working on the polka dot word lists. I'm very excited to see them. Good luck with your meeting!
Holy Cow! have you been busy!?!?! Can you please come to my house!?
It looks great!
I just have to echo Mandy...holy cow!!! Kelley, you are amazing! You've gotten a ton I'm getting nervous, yikes! Well, not that nervous, I'm lovin' summer ;)
Thanks for the shoutout, I'm beyond excited that you could use the signs!! :)
you HAVE been busy! Everything looks great! Love the math games and the chair is next level cute! You go girl!
Wow !! You made me tired just looking at all you have accomplished. It all looks great (I think the clock numbers are from Amy Lemons, at least that is where I found mind :) I have been very laaaaazy so far on my holidays, loving the rest. You are amazing !
I LOVE LOVE LOVE the chair! Everything looks great! :)
Mrs. Heeren's Happenings
Oh wow, you HAVE been busy! I LOVE your chair {I did a post not long ago about the rocking chair I repainted... love it} - colorful chairs just look AWESOME in classrooms. Your bulletin board banners are fabulous.
Obviously your hubby is wrong. ;D
❤Dragonflies in First ❤
What do hubby's know??? You have created some amazing resources for your classroom, and your teaching year ahead will be brilliant will all these goodies....
I wish I had an ounce of your motivation!! WOW, you have been busy.
Just found your cute blog. I LOVE that chair.
The Hive
Ok, I must admit I feel very defeated by you!! IMPRESSIVE!!!!!!! Can I hire you? ;) Your students are very blessed to have you!
Check out my Blog if you hve not done so yet :)
Wow you have been busy, busy! Everything looks awesome. Loving your chair! And very jealous about your math games. I have seven more days with my masters class and then I can start doing my school stuff. It is way easier!
Apples and Papers
LOVE LOVE LOVE your chair!!!
clock #s are from amy lemons :) not have kids - I haven't done ANYthing for school....(i type that as B is sitting on my lap, and A is climbing all over my back on the chair - ahhhh!!!!) lol
Yep, you have been soo sooo busy! I'm jealous of all that you've been able to create! I wanted to do something with tote bags too, but have my students keep supplies in there. How much did you pay for the totes?
Reaching for the TOP!
Oh my goodness, I have felt super Unproductive since my classes ended last Thursday!! I need to start working!! :) I love all of the fabulous things you've gotten done! And your chair is adorable!! I need to find me one of those chairs to paint!!
Lessons withLaughter
Can you explain how you will use the Homework Bingo? Everything looks awesome.
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