Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Holidays Around the World

We have been learning about Holidays Around the World, like I said before and here are some pictures of what we have been doing!

This is a project that we did when we talked about Italy! I read the students the Legend of Old Befana and they loved it! They couldn't believe that a "witch" delivers kids presents, they all thought I had the wrong holiday.

When we talked about Mexico we made poinsettia wreathes. Many of my students have seen these types of flowers at the store, so they were able to make good connections. I told them that it is a tradition in my family that my dad gives my mom a poinsettia plant each year around the holiday time.

Here are our stockings for England. The students thought it was funny that children in England left out real stockings, not like the ones we buy at the store. And they of course loved the story I read to them about Boxing Day. They were fascinated!

This is on my "bulletin board" out in the hall and yes I have glass doors and not a real bulletin board. I made a map of the world and have been putting up a picture and small write-up after we talk about a country. The students can then visualize all the places we have been talking about.

Alrighty I know Erika asked me to share my "corny" song and hand motions that I teach my kids for digraphs and blends! I promise Erika I will take pictures of my kids this week doing it and put it on my blog so be on the look out! Well...I have training tomorrow so it should be a mellow day.


1 Jen R said...

cute! I think next year I will be adding Italy to my travels, or maybe I can fit it in as an extra this year :)

♥ Jen Ross
The Teachers' Cauldron

2 Erika said...

Thanks Kelley. I love your Christmas Around the World stuff. Our first graders do this so we can't. Boo hoo.
2B Honey Bunch

3 Jen R said...

Totally just did it today! And blogged about it -

Also, Erika - you can TOTALLY still do it. The kids may not remember it, or you may do different countries, or in a different way! You should still do it!!

♥ Jen Ross
The Teachers' Cauldron

4 Unknown said...

Your Christmas Around the World looks awesome!
I'm sure your kids had a great time and learned a bunch!
First Grade Blue SKies

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