Head on over to Farley's blog to link up!!
Second Erika over at The Honey Bunch tagged me!!
Here Are The rules:
* Post these rules
* Answer the 10 questions that the tagger posted for you
* Create 10 questions of your own to ask the people that you're about to tag
* Tag 10 people and link them with your post (and let them know they've been tagged!)
Here are the questions from Erika:
1. If you could be any animal what would you be and why?
I would be a bird because I could travel anywhere I wanted to!
2. What is your favorite drink?
I looooove ice tea! I grew up on ice tea and it is still my favorite! But not a lot of sugar!
3. What is the best book you've ever read and why?
Hmmmm I am not much of a book girl. I don't have the time to sit down and read. I would rather sleep! Opps sorry Erika!
4. What are your top 5 teacher blogs?
Hope King from 2nd Grade Shenanigans
Amy Lemons from Step Into Second Grade
Holly from Crisscross Apple Sauce
Kristen from Ladybug Teacher Files
Jen from Teachers Cauldron
5. What is your favorite non-teaching blog?
The Small Things Blog
6. What is the name of your favorite font?
Pea Bandit from Kevin and Miranda
7. Do you wear a watch or not? If so which wrist?
EVERY DAY! I wear it on my left hand
8. Gold or silver?
Depends on what it is and what other colors I am wearing. My wedding ring is silver though!
9. What is your favorite TV show to watch?
Tori and Dean!! I wish I could just be Tori! She is so cute!
10. Dog, cat or other?
Dog!!! I love my lil helper Bentley!!
Alright so here are the ladies I will be tagging:
Holly at Crisscross Applesauce
Jessica at Rambling About Reading
Lisa and Beth at Made in the Shade
Jen at The Teachers Cauldron
Heather at Heather Hearts
Leanna at Spend a Day in Second Grade
Kristen at Ladybug Teacher Files
Elisabeth at Teaching, Twins, and Tacos
Hadar at Miss Kindergarten
Erin at Elementary Adventure
Here are my questions ladies:
1. If you could travel to any place where would you go?
2. What current fashion trend are you loving right now?
3. What current education trend are you currently loving right now?
4. What is your go to food or snack?
5. Are you a flats or heels girl?
6. If you could change anything about yourself what would you change?
7. What is your favorite sport to watch or play?
8. What are you looking forward to doing this summer?
9. What is your favorite piece of technology?
10. What is the best movie you have seen recently?
Have fun ladies!! Happy almost Wednesday!
[Glitterfy.com - *Glitter Words*]
First Grade Blue SKies
So excited for summer break. Do you teach summer school? I might, and just can't decide. Mind reading would be handy!
Mrs. Castro's Class 2nd Grade...Spanglish Style
Thanks for tagging me!! I have missed all my bloggy friends while working on my boards. Yay for it being over and yay for break coming soon!!!
Twins, Teaching and Tacos.
I love the Small Things blog, must read every day !! Can't wait for summer, decided to count how many weeks left (we go much later here in Canada). 12 weeks...ARRRRGGHHHH why did I count ? But then we are off until Labour Day.
I also put reading minds as my super power... I think it would be amazing!! I'd be able to turn it on and off, of course.
A Cupcake for the Teacher
Mind reading is a great super power!!!!
Loved reading more about you. I grew up on iced tea, too! With only one sweet and low for sweetener! :)
A Teeny Tiny Teacher
Thanks for #5! Glad you like my blog!
Drat I tagged you in my blog post and I came over and see you were tagged...just means you are loved :)
Journey of a Substitute Teacher
Love your blog! I am new to the blogging world.
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