Sunday, March 18, 2012

Classroom Decor

First order of business Kristen over at Ladybug Teacher Files is having a anchor chart linky party with Ms. B. If you haven't check it out you should! There are some great ideas for all different grade levels. Thanks ladies for hosting that!

Second I have to thank Stacy over at Second Grade Paradise for giving me the Lovely Blog Award. I think several people have given me this award. If I have forgotten anyone I am truly sorry. Thanks Stacy!

On to classroom decor! My classroom is a bug/frog/reptile theme, but mainly bug themed! Every spring and summer I find some great new additions for my classroom at Hobby Lobby, Michaels, and Joanns! Where you might ask?? In the garden section!!Currently I have some paper butterflies hanging in my reading area. I have two wind socks and some smaller little figures like ladybugs and grasshoppers. I had posted a couple weeks ago about a bumblebee and owl I found too! (I know the owl doesn't match, but he was just soo cute!) Here are my latest finds:

He is just too cute! I am going to put him behind my small group reading table on a shelf.

These guys I am going to hang from the ceiling. I will probably put these in my reading area and move the ones I have there over my desk. Last year I made a HUGE floor to ceiling tree over in my reading area. I think I might do that again next year.

One of these pinwheels was given to me by my bff! The smaller one is from the Target dollar section. I plan on putting them in the black pots and filling them with white beans to make them stand up. I think I will put these on the shelves above the sink.

By the way I ALWAYS wait for this stuff to go on sale. All these items were either 40 or 50 percent off! I also find really good deals at the end of the summer. If you have a similar theme make sure to check these places out!!

Well today is another 80 degree day here in Kansas. I have a feeling we are going to have a brutal summer! I plan on walking my 4 miles and getting the hubby all packed for his trip. I also want to start working on my April Math Centers. My goal is not to buy them from someone this month but to make my own. I might even have to give them to a few of my lucky bloggy friends. Be on the look out! Happy Sunday!


1 Miss Kindergarten said...

I have that little red polka dotted spinner!! Look what you can do with it!

2 Mrs. Castro said...

Hey Kelley,
Thanks for the congratulations. I love your bug theme. I just saw a cute bug project on Pinterset...maybe you could use it in your classroom?
Really, I'm going offline for the rest of the weekend! Enjoy yours! ;)
Mrs. Castro's Class 2nd Grade...Spanglish Style

3 Emily said...

I've given you award!

Ms. Harris’s Mon-“stars”

4 Becky said...

Thanks for following me!! Glad I found you too :)

5 luckeyfrog said...

Thanks for the follow! I was actually already a follower of yours, but I'm glad to have you reading my blog too!

Luckeyfrog's Lilypad

6 Unknown said...

Thank you for following my blog! Your blog is adorable and I'm now your newest follower! I love the Fashion Friday post. =)

7 Heather said...

I love all the cute things you found. I have a monkey/jungle theme and love to look for new things.

Swinging Through Second Grade

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