Click on my Pinterest and look under Crafty to find the directions and orginial pin.
I think it turned out really cute. I am planning on using it for school! :)
Tomorrow I go back to school from Spring Break. I am excited, but I know I have a lot of meetings so I am not looking forward to that. This week we will be starting out rock unit. I saw that some of you are also study rocks right now. If you have a blog post about rocks please leave me a comment and I will check it out. I will be using some of the activities from
She has some great treats I will be making for my kids. There is also a workbook which is how I teach most of Science/Social Studies units. I also made this anchor chart we will fill out after we learn about each different type of rocks!
Here is an up close picture:
Well I am going to go and enjoy the nice weather while it lasts! It is suppose to rain all week again! Ugh! I don't like the rain!
[ - *Glitter Words*]
Cute bag! Too bad I don't sew (or have a sewing machine lol). I'll stick to my crafts that use glue and hot glue!
Journey of a Substitute Teacher
What a cute bag! I WISH I could sew!!! I'm right up there with Miss T. and can only play with glue & scissors.
❤ Mor Zrihen from...
A Teacher's Treasure
Teaching Treasures Shop
Love it! Your rocks are cute, too!
First Grade Blue SKies
I LOVE your blog, so much that I gave you an award! Head over and check it out!
Primary Punch
Totally cute bag! We love it! Your blog is fantastic and has quickly become one of our favorites. Yours, as well as a few others, have inspired us to create our own! We (Lisen and Katie) also teach second grade in Kansas and wanted to e-mail you with a few blog questions (if you wouldn't mind). We can't find an e-mail address for you. If you are willing to help out a few "newbies", you can e-mail us at or find us at
Thank you, thank you, thank you (in advance)!!!!
Katie and Lisen :)
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