Sunday, November 4, 2012

November Currently

I think I missed the currently for October, so I had to make sure to do it for November. If you want to participate head on over to Farley's blog:

When we get the chance I like to turn on AOL radio for the kids. They play some of their favorite songs and it just makes them so happy! It is crazy how much music can really affect the way we feel! 

Today I am off to my moms to try to make those Starbucks cranberry bars that I have seen on Pinterest. I will let you know how they turn out! Happy Sunday! 

Glitter Words
[ - *Glitter Words*]


L said...

I found you through Farley's blog. Funny--I need a 3 day weekend too! There's just never enough time in 2 days!

Amanda said...

We LOVE our definitely need to talk your hubby into one! I have never heard of AOL radio. I am assuming it is like Pandora? I will have to go check it out!

Mrs. Pauley’s Kindergarten

Miss Nelson said...

Maybe for Christmas? Hope you get one soon. they are useful!

Kristin said...

I love music-- I get exactly what you mean!
Can't wait to hear about those bars!!!!!

Fourth Grade Flipper said...

I love your blog!! It is adorable! I just got an ipad for the classroom and finding free apps is overwhelming because there always seems to be a glitch. Hubby might surprise you for Christmas:)
Fourth Grade Flipper

Tania said...

Sending your hubby i-pad thoughts:) It is a cool, cool toy.
My Second Sense

A Teacher Without a Class said...

Oooh--it would be great if you got an ipad! Love that idea!

A Teacher Without a Class said...

I am also your newest follower! I love 2nd grade--I really hope to teach that grade if at all possible!

Jane said...

Reading about those cranberry bars made my mouth water! How did they turn out??

Learning in the Little Apple

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